Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Baby Update {Just another Manic Monday}
Hi all! Wanted to give you a quick update. I had another appointment yesterday with our wonderful midwife, Jan {she's sort of my favorite} and we had a NST along with the regular midwife's appointment. And we got some GREAT news.
My 24 hour urine results came back and the protein levels were much more acceptable so that means, no early preeclampsia. {Wouldn't have it just been easier to tell us on Friday that it wasn't a definite thing??}
Anyways...since it is not preeclampsia, that means it is just Pregnancy Hypertension or high blood pressure. Bed rest is still key but Jan does not think we will even go to 39 weeks. She basically told me that Thursday will be very telling and that I need to have my hospital bag packed because at any of these appointments they could be sending me straight over to the hospital to get bebe Hud out.
The surprising thing? For once, I didn't panic. I called J and he was supportive as ever....I think we were both relieved that it isn't preeclampsia {yet...although there is a chance this could develop into preeclampsia}.
I was able to talk to Jan about induction options. I have been against pitocin from the beginning and knowing now that I will have no choice but to be induced {unless he comes early on his own accord} I want to know my options. We spoke about a foley bulb {inserted into the cervix. The inflated end of the catheter applies pressure to the cervix which helps the cervix open or dilate. When the cervix opens to 3 cm, the catheter will slide out on its own and the labor may start without any medicines.}Obviously the non medicine route is the one we would like to take but know that every L&D is different so we are keeping our options open. We want what is going to be best for Hudson.
Next appointment is on Thursday, we'll have another Ultrasound {maybe he'll cooperate and we can see his face!} so I'll try to do another post that afternoon or next day. And one of these days I promise I'm going to get an up to date bump picture {it doesn't seem like there has been much progress on that front so I haven't taken one}
Until then....
Sunday, December 16, 2012
36 Weeks {Just another P}
I have been dragging my feet on this post a little bit because at first I wanted to wait until after our 36 week appointment with our midwife, but Thursday's appointment came and went, and 2 midwife appointments and 3 days later I think I am finally ready to talk about what we learned.
Remember all those other P's I talked about...wayyyyy back at 18 weeks? Well I was thinking once the Previa went away we would be free and clear of any complications.....a girl can hope...right?
Thursday's appointment started off without a hitch, until they took my blood pressure. Normally my resting is around 114/68 or so and this week? 132/92...they were a little concerned but my midwife told me that baby's heartbeat sounded great {still in the 130s} and that maybe it was just a little raised because of a stressful day. She said...We will just check it again at the end of your appointment--perfect. She did the Beta Strep swab and cervical exam {1cm dilated and already 80% effaced....Off to a great start!}
She takes my blood pressure again and I'm back down to 118/76...much better. We'll just keep an eye on it and check you at your next week's appointment {once a week now..in the home stretch!}. So I get dressed and am putting on my shoes when she rushes back in, so glad she caught me...
....I think...this can't be good. And ask her what's up. I have proteins in my urine and coupled with the high blood pressure she is concerned I may have early preeclampsia.She tells me I need to stay home from work on Friday, in bed as much as possible and do a blood panel and a 24 hour urine, then come back to see her or one of the other midwives. {24 hour urine test is super gross, basically you pee into this jug for 24 hours then take it in to the lab and they test it for proteins}
Thursday night J was closing at work and luckily someone was able to come in. I was a little bit of a mess because everyone kept asking me if I was feeling okay, like they expected me to fall out on the floor right there. J rushed home {picked up dinner} and did an amazing job spoiling me and being my rock. Although he is usually the worry wart but throughout this pregnancy whenever something happens, he has been the level headed one who keeps me grounded.
Friday we were both home from work, and since the midwife stressed that I take it easy on Friday, J was doing all the last minute things to pick up the house {my mom and sister, conveniently, were coming into town!}. So I basically laid around and peed in a jug-I was so bored. I prayed that it was a freak combination and that maybe I just spilled some protein-something the midwife said was a possibility.
We went back to the midwife around 3, my bloodwork looked great, urine was a protein +2 {which is not high at all...just high enough} but my BP was again at 138/92...
Hallie, one of our midwives, listened to baby again {BP still around 130s and where he should be} then talked about my lifestyle. What do you do for work? I told her I was an event planner, but mostly sat at a desk all day, not running around and I didn't consider it really stressful. Unfortunately, she did not agree. Event planning=Stressful Profession. Hudson will not be making it to the full 40 weeks, but hopefully to at least 38 or 39.
Even though my preeclampsia is early and very mild, it will only get worse. And ideally, Hudson will be able to stay in as long as possible...as long as it's safe for the both of us. The positive side of Friday's appointment? We got to have another ultrasound. Although, he was very uncooperative and did not want to be messed with. She tried so hard to get him to show us his face and he was just not having it. Hands covering his face and feet covering his boy bits he hunkered down in a baby cannon ball. Good news? He is still head down, facing my back bone {probably why I keep getting his hiney poking out} and growth is right on track. Measuring at 5 lbs 7 oz {obviously give or take a lb}.
With the preeclampsia, I'll start going twice a week to see our midwives. Tomorrow I will go for a NST {Non-stress test} then Thursday for another ultrasound, both days meeting with my midwife to check my blood pressure and talk about a plan.
The worst part? I am officially on bed rest, only supposed to be getting up and moving around to shower, use the bathroom and eat. This is going to be the biggest challenge for me, I am not good at sitting still and hate making everyone else do the things I can't. My mom and sister are here, mom went to the store and cooked up close to 20 meals to freeze for J and I, since I won't be cooking. All I could do was sit there and watch {mom let me chop onions....woo hoo?} Already not a fan of bed rest and I'm only on day 3....
How far along? 36 WeeksThursday night J was closing at work and luckily someone was able to come in. I was a little bit of a mess because everyone kept asking me if I was feeling okay, like they expected me to fall out on the floor right there. J rushed home {picked up dinner} and did an amazing job spoiling me and being my rock. Although he is usually the worry wart but throughout this pregnancy whenever something happens, he has been the level headed one who keeps me grounded.
Friday we were both home from work, and since the midwife stressed that I take it easy on Friday, J was doing all the last minute things to pick up the house {my mom and sister, conveniently, were coming into town!}. So I basically laid around and peed in a jug-I was so bored. I prayed that it was a freak combination and that maybe I just spilled some protein-something the midwife said was a possibility.
We went back to the midwife around 3, my bloodwork looked great, urine was a protein +2 {which is not high at all...just high enough} but my BP was again at 138/92...
Hallie, one of our midwives, listened to baby again {BP still around 130s and where he should be} then talked about my lifestyle. What do you do for work? I told her I was an event planner, but mostly sat at a desk all day, not running around and I didn't consider it really stressful. Unfortunately, she did not agree. Event planning=Stressful Profession. Hudson will not be making it to the full 40 weeks, but hopefully to at least 38 or 39.
Even though my preeclampsia is early and very mild, it will only get worse. And ideally, Hudson will be able to stay in as long as possible...as long as it's safe for the both of us. The positive side of Friday's appointment? We got to have another ultrasound. Although, he was very uncooperative and did not want to be messed with. She tried so hard to get him to show us his face and he was just not having it. Hands covering his face and feet covering his boy bits he hunkered down in a baby cannon ball. Good news? He is still head down, facing my back bone {probably why I keep getting his hiney poking out} and growth is right on track. Measuring at 5 lbs 7 oz {obviously give or take a lb}.
With the preeclampsia, I'll start going twice a week to see our midwives. Tomorrow I will go for a NST {Non-stress test} then Thursday for another ultrasound, both days meeting with my midwife to check my blood pressure and talk about a plan.
The worst part? I am officially on bed rest, only supposed to be getting up and moving around to shower, use the bathroom and eat. This is going to be the biggest challenge for me, I am not good at sitting still and hate making everyone else do the things I can't. My mom and sister are here, mom went to the store and cooked up close to 20 meals to freeze for J and I, since I won't be cooking. All I could do was sit there and watch {mom let me chop onions....woo hoo?} Already not a fan of bed rest and I'm only on day 3....
Countdown: 1 month {hopefully}
Size: Up to about 5 lbs 7oz {says the ultrasound we had on Friday}
Total weight gain: +25 lbs total
Maternity clothes? Yes, but still mixing them with some of my regular clothes
Stretch marks? Getting worse but they're mostly skin toned so only I notice them
Sleep: Sleeping in the guest room is helpful because the mattress in there is firmer and I don't have to battle with a wiggly husband who can never get comfortable.
Best moment this week: Seeing our baby {even if he didn't cooperate and show us his face}
Miss Anything? Definitely wine
Movement:Shifting positions but no real kicks/jabs/punches
Food cravings: Wanting "fresh" things. Smoothies, veggies, fruits
Anything making you queasy or sick:Nope!
Gender: Baby Boy!
Labor Signs: Braxton hicks with back pain...especially when I have been too active. Which apparently I'm not allowed to do anymore so I'm sure some of these will stop
Symptoms: High blood pressure {for me}and peeing every 5 seconds.
Belly Button in or out? Barely in...I don't think it's going to pop though.
Wedding rings on or off? I'm down to wearing just one band...I'm getting sick of taking them on and off at night
Happy or Moody most of the time: Getting a little more moody, but I think that has to do with the whole, not having a plan thing.
Looking forward to: Thursday when we get to have another ultrasound
Next Appointment: Monday....twice a week from now until he comes!
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Mini Series: Wedded Bliss...{Intro & The Proposal}
So a few bloggers I follow are getting married soon and I can't help but think back to that stressful time in life.
Because let's be honest...it is really stressful.
Do you hire a planner, what do you splurge on and where do you cut corners, what really matters and what do you obsess over because you think that part has to be perfect?
There are a billion questions and details that run through your mind and for me, that happened meer hours after I said "yes" while bawling my eyes out on Christmas Eve 2010 standing under that spotlit tree, in the snow, with the most beautiful diamond I had ever seen. {Of course I am biased}
So I was thinking...I should do a mini series on weddings since it is an obsession a love of mine. If I weren't an event planner for larger events I would be planning weddings every day for the rest of my life.
Without further ado, I'm going to start at the beginning. The proposal, of course!
Here is our proposal story. Since I am a control freak, when J took me ring shopping after visiting almost every store and trying on every shape and setting possible...I said "I want that one, and I want you to buy it right now" and so he wouldn't lose the ring of my dreams...he did just that.
The ring is so important and you really have to stay true to what you love. I had always dreamed of a Tacori 3 stone ring with tons of detail and when it got down to it, I put that ring on and had zero connection to it. My heart was pulled to a simple, classic, round cut solitaire with a high setting---a ring that sparkled. Something so simple and classic that if I decided to, I could pass down to our children one day and it would still be in vogue. Two years later....that ring was presented to me and I still loved it then as much as the day I picked it out.
Gents....stick with the surprise. Even if she says she doesn't want a surprise {like me-I almost ruined it by trying to cop out of the family tradition} it will mean so much to her than you went to such lengths to keep it a secret and make it memorable--FOR HER.
It isn't about extravagance. You need to focus on what's important to you all as a couple, for us...it was family. And to be honest, although I said I wanted it to be some extravagant thing in public where our friends and family popped out at the end...it was so much more special the way that it happened....it was us.
Girls....Don't play detective!!! I got my hopes up so many times thinking he was going to do it {since we had the ring for 2 years, I knew where it was "hidden" or in our case...where it was taunting me} and before any big occasion or date night I would check. just don't do it. It will ruin the night or occasion because you will be wondering when it will happen. Let the man be the man!
{Photo Creds: www.bethanyboone.com}
Mini Series: Wedded Bliss {Our proposal}
I started a mini series and realized...I never told our story! And I may be biased...but I think it's a pret-ty good one.
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The top to said very unattractive outfit. |
Rewind to Christmas 2010. Our years old Christmas tradition is to get together with his cousin E {she was a Jr. Bridesmaid in our wedding} and do some sort of fun craft. This year? We chose to make Hard Candy. So the three of us, along with J's younger brother and his girlfriend came over and we spent all day goofing off, making candy and getting excited for that night. See J's family has a tradition of their own, every Christmas Eve they all get together at his grandparents' house and play BINGO for money, lotto tickets and other fun prizes {everyone brings a thing or two}.
Once everyone left I started to feel really bad, overtired, and just dragging I sent J and text message asking him... "how bad would it be if I missed BINGO this one time? I feel like death and I never win anyways" and we went back and forth..."they never get to see us since we live in North Carolina...you need to come" was the final verdict. I complained to my parents that I really didn't want to go and my dad made a comment "Maybe this will be the best game of BINGO you have played in your life" I told him not to be an asshole {joking of course, I wouldn't ever purposefully be disrespectful to my parents} and went upstairs to take a quick nap.
After said nap and throwing on the most unattractive outfit I could have packed, headed to J's parents' house to help carrying things over {his parents, grandparents and aunt/uncle all live within walking distance} so instead of driving over we decided to walk since we hadn't had any time to ourselves and I wasn't feeling the best.
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My rigged BINGO card |
We got to his grandparents' and visited with everyone, ate then all hunkered down in the living room to play BINGO. 8 rounds we played that year {me with another crappy card that I continued to flip back and forth even though it was against the rules}....and by the 9th round we were all ready to go to bed, stomachs full. But his Memaw said this would be the last round, and that we wouldn't be playing for the normal prizes....there was a special surprise outside that was too large to carry in.
This new development had us all wondering what it was....I was thinking...it has to be something like a TV! She is stumbling through the numbers {J's uncle and cousin usually control the announcing but she said they were moving too slow and she was taking over} and we're all complaining that we just want coffee and dessert. Then BAM it happened...I WON!
And like a complete fool I start jumping up and down. Y'all I wasn't kidding when I said I NEVER win at BINGO....like seriously never. And hello....I had just hit the jackpot! I was so deliriously excited that I didn't even see J duck out of the room. I race to the front door and turn to see that no one has followed me...I say "Uhm hello....y'all don't want to see what I won?!" nope, no one was interested....
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This is a cell phone picture but the only one I apparently took... |
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The ring |
Don't ask me specifics on what happened next because all I can remember is J on one knee saying something, me shaking and bawling--saying YES, us kissing, running inside {where of course everyone already knew} and texting/calling everyone we knew. Bless his heart because I had been flipping my card every single round, completely oblivious to the fact that J had memorized the numbers on one side of my card-gone to the kitchen-done some 007 sneaky number swap with his Memaw and had rigged the game...I almost blew it
In the end, I am glad that this one holiday, this one big occasion I steeled myself and didn't check the ring before we left our home in Charlotte, NC. I am so glad he chose to propose around our family, and that he put so much effort into making the proposal something I would never forget...
I can admit I am very biased...but I caught a keeper. A man who knows what I like and what I don't and what is best for me even if I don't agree...
Thank you, dear husband, for making this night one I will never forget, and for bearing with me when I almost ruined the surprise....on multiple occasions :)
Sunday, December 9, 2012
35 weeks
I need to start this post by saying...bless my hubby's heart. He's a good man who puts up with my crazy schenanigans. In this case? It was a serious case of "nesting" completely out of the blue. Yesterday morning I got up and decided I needed to do some laundry, then got downstairs and decided I needed to wipe EVERYTHING down with Clorox wipes. I'm talking walls, doors, floor trim and any non fabric accessory within reach. While obsessively cleaning I got the idea that the family room furniture HAD to be moved and it had to be done right that minute.
And I must say, a deep clean, new arrangement and holiday decorations had me sleeping like a baby last night {except for the 3 dreams that woke me up panicking thinking that I was in labor}.
Pictures of the new set up are below and the 35 week baby bump is on its way, but until then...here's the update!
How far along? As of Wednesday, officially 35 weeksCountdown: 5 weeks left!
Size: Up to about 5.8 lbs and around 18.7 inches, and he is right on track. No longer measuring big! Coconut size?
Total weight gain: +25 lbs total
Maternity clothes? Yes, but still mixing them with some of my regular clothes
Stretch marks? Same
Sleep: Sleeping better...it's the avoidance thing...I'm telling you
Best moment this week: My work family threw me a baby shower!
Miss Anything? Definitely wine
Movement: I think he is definitely running out of room. Much less movement {flips/kicks/jabs} and more of the fluid...I can't move my arm anymore
Food cravings: None.I'm back to...nothing sounds good.
Anything making you queasy or sick:Nope!
Gender: Baby Boy!
Labor Signs: Braxton hicks with back pain...especially when I have been too active.
Symptoms: Lower back pain...pretty constant and just uncomfortable.
Belly Button in or out? Barely in...I don't think it's going to pop though.
Wedding rings on or off? I'm down to wearing just one band...I'm getting sick of taking them on and off at night
Happy or Moody most of the time: Getting a little more moody, but I think that has to do with the whole, not having a plan thing.

Next Appointment: Next week! December 13th...we're going to ask the midwife if we can drive home to Virginia for Christmas...cross your fingers?

Thursday, December 6, 2012
What's the plan...
Wow...I am that horrible blogger who has come to the point in the road where I am only blogging once a week....when I have to do my weekly bump update???
How did it come to this?!
Here I am world...turning over a new...diaper?
It seems like all my brain is filled with these days is avoiding thinking about the fact that my son will be here in around 5 weeks. Granted we are completely and totally ready but I would also be completely and totally lying to you if I told you it didn't freak me out just a little bit.
See, as many of you know...J and I live right outside of Charlotte, North Carolina. Our parents? Live 5 minutes apart from each other....5 hours away...from us.
Sucks, right?
This makes it really difficult for me to even think about how it is going to be when I go into labor. And if you have read anything in the About Me section...you know how anal retentive I am about having a plan. My poor husband still doesn't quite grasp the concept that I have to have something in writing outlining exactly what is going to happen. And that whole...outline thing...HASN'T HAPPENED YET.
I realize I still have 5 weeks but still, any time I think about it....well we just aren't going to go there.
When will everyone come down? Where will they all stay? Will they be offended if I only want immediate family at the hospital? What if I want them to leave their beloved pets {who they always bring with them} at home? What if I get home from the hospital and completely lose my shit on someone because I'm exhausted from pushing a 6-9lb baby out without drugs??
These questions....this is why I haven't been blogging. Avoidance, my friends...avoidance.
What advice do you have for a plan? And please don't tell me..."Don't make one" because then I might really lose it....
.....just kidding!
But not really...
Friday, November 30, 2012
Back on track....34 weeks
We just had an appointment yesterday and it seriously took forever.
Appointment was at 3:40 and because I hate being late...it's seriously my least favorite thing in the entire world...we got there at 3:25ish.
We waited only 5-10 minutes before they took me back for the usual pee/weight/blood pressure {which btw...I'm going to be a pro at peeing in a cup...TMI? I'm sorry I'm not sorry}
Then that's when the waiting began. We seriously waited at least 45 minutes before the nurse took us back to be seen by our midwife. That was the longest wait we have ever had and I know I shouldn't complain because I know sometimes medical offices fall behind {curse of having parents in the medical field}but I was getting so stir crazy I started walking up and down the hall. Hm...maybe that's why they took us back? Pregnant lady waddling up and down the hall?
One of the nurses that knows me by name even commented saying "They haven't taken you back yet??" and every time she passed we exchanged giggles and eye rolls.
But here we are....in all our 34 week glory! The black is slimming no? You can hardly even tell I'm pregnant.....right? :)

Countdown: 6 weeks left!
Size: About 4.75 lbs and around 18 inches, and he is back on track. No longer measuring big! Cantaloupe size?Total weight gain: +25 lbs total...yikes, thanks a lot Thanksgiving!
Maternity clothes? Yes, but still mixing them with some of my regular clothes
Stretch marks? Same
Sleep: Finally have the pillow situation down pat...and I'm only getting up once in the night for potty breaks :) Last night I got the BEST night of sleep I have had all pregnancy. The pillow arrangement...perfection!
Best moment this week: Watching Hudson move and shift in my belly {did you see his hiney?}
Miss Anything? Sushi....and wine!!! I really needed a few glasses of wine earlier this week...
Movement: Lots, and still the same...much less "kick" and jerky, and much more fluid, you can see him rolling around in there switching positions to get more comfortable.
Food cravings: None. I'm still at "I'm hungry but...what do I want??"
Anything making you queasy or sick:Nope!
Gender: Baby Boy!
Labor Signs: The other night when decorating I kept getting back spasms while I had the braxton hicks....but sitting down with my feet up made them go away
Symptoms: Lower back pain...pretty constant and just uncomfortable
Belly Button in or out? Barely in...I don't think it's going to pop though.
Wedding rings on or off? On but I still take them off to sleep
Happy or Moody most of the time: Getting a little more moody.
Looking forward to: My mommy coming back into town. The hospital we are delivering at offers a Grandparent Class and Tour of the hospital so she is going to come for the weekend and we're going to go together!
Next Appointment: 36 weeks...December 13 then I'll start going once a week! Eeek!
I started decorating the house for Christmas and I'll do another post hopefully this weekend once I finish. I'm thinking a trip to Michael's is necessary for me to make at least one DIY holiday project :) don't you think??
Monday, November 26, 2012
Back that thang up....
As I have said the past few weeks, baby Hudson is favoring my left side. Although he is head down, he swings his butt over and my stomach sometimes is uneven.
I haven't been able to catch it on camera....til now.
Uneven belly...why dontcha back that thang up :)
Still hangin out on that left side!
View from up here...
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The view from up here...can you see my toes? Cuz I barely can!! |
I was totally off the grid for the holiday weekend and I have to tell you...it was pretty amazing. I barely got on Facebook, Twitter or Blogger {which all of you know is a rarity for me!} but as I told y'all before...my family came into town!
I am SO thankful to have parents who are willing to drive down to visit and help me complete a laundry list of projects {in addition to cooking a delicious Thanksgiving meal}.
And when I say laundry list...y'all...I feel bad with the amount of stuff we had to get done in 4 short days! But you will be happy to hear{and see} that the nursery is almost completely finished!
So without further ado....here's just a teeeeny tinnnyyy sneak peak into the nursery.
Accent Wall....CHECK CHECK CHECK!!! {This is my favorite part}
The picture here to the left you can see the bedding a little and our amazing mobile that J's mom found at Pottery Barn Kids {they are little elephants with wings....completely adorbs} and it's even on a wooden arm so none of that junky plastic look! We really wanted to focus on creating a nursery that was soft and relaxing...and ultimately, I have always said, I want this to be an adult room that accomodates a baby. I really wanted Hudson to be able to grow into this room and lets face it....not all the baby bedding these days is conducive to that. Now I know he isn't going to want to keep the little lambs, elephants and other baby type items, but by keeping all the colors soft and neutral, it is a room he can definitely grow into.
For lack of a better word...I wanted a CHIC nursery. Clean lines, but not modern. Neutral colors, but not boring. I'm not the type of person to have a "baby on board" sticker in my car window, or loud obnoxious cartoons all over every inch of the room. A nursery {like a bedroom} is a place for sleep, a place to relax....I think...after much hard work...this nursery is exactly that.
Now...for my pride and joy {only a sneak peek though...}
This is an idea I snagged from Pintrest and ever since I saw it, I just couldn't let it go. Since we started planning everyone kept asking..."What is your Theme" for the nursery and I really couldn't tell you. Like I said, I hate the kitchy chachski items so I knew I didn't want cartoons or animals really.
That's when I found this image and I fell in love. Why not have an alphabet centered room? Lots of different typography and focus on the amazing lines our letters create? Now, for Hudson's room...I had to tone it down a little, her images' frames were much more ornate and feminine than I wanted so I focused on clean lines and really stuck with "less is more". I found these amazing letters on Etsy, they're from Alphabet Boutique, this made it much easier because the letters were already cut into assorted sizes and fonts and came with letters A-Z with an "&". My favorite letter? The "O" because it is cut to look like a button. The only downside? We had to paint all the letters {thank youuuuu Daddy!}
The dresser seen here {well the edge of it} was a craigslist find for only $125! When we bought it, it was an ugly oatmealy cream color and was distressed. I was originally leaning towards painting this dresser to add a pop of color {we were thinking Robin's Egg Blue} but after much discussion, J and I just couldn't see it in the room....so it went white to match the Jinny Linde crib that I couldn't live without. The white totally compliments everything in the room and has enough detail to be beautiful but not enough to be "girly"...plus this is a piece that can grow WITH him! We opted for a dresser instead of a changing table because let's face it....they aren't practical. You use them for maybe two years...three tops, then they sit in your garage until you have another baby and I don't know about y'all but we really don't have the garage space to store a large furniture piece like that. And realistically, we didn't have room in the nursery for another piece of furniture. We chose one of the smaller bedrooms upstairs knowing that it would be a nursery as soon as the house was built. The dresser was just something I wasn't going to compromise on....it's 12 drawers and every single one of them is packed full of baby clothes...there is no way we could have had a place for all that stuff without a dresser. Yet another reason why we opted for the dresser instead of a changing table-there is hardly any storage space in a changing table and let's be honest...Hudson already has as much clothes and J and I combined, pretty much, so we really needed that storage!!
Also in this picture you can see a little bit of the bedding, now the American Academy of Pediatrics says no bumpers because baby could roll into it and suffocate. We made one anyways and will probably use it until he starts moving around in there. At first, babies are pretty immobile so I'm not too worried about it. We chose to do the ties in the ticking accent to give it a little umph. The only other place we used the ticking {navy and cream striped fabric} was the crib skirt which you can't really see from that angle. We did a thin quilt with yarn pull throughs and called it a day. I am absolutely in love with all of the bedding and the fact that my mom and I spent hours working on it, is something I really cherish. It is something really special for her Grandbaby that I can tell him when he grows up....
So there you have it....a sneaky peek of Hudson's nursery. The closet pieces are done and organized, all his baby clothes are washed and either folded or hung and organized by age and now all that's left to do is to find my finishing touches...those things that make his room...his room.
Hope you like it! Post any questions below...or you can pop back to my original post here to see the pattern and up close views of the fabrics we chose.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Ahk...32...er...33 weeks???
Crap guys...I really suck at this lately. I thought I had already done my 32 week post and I just had to add a picture so I didn't even pull up blogger until just now {other than to go through and read all the bloggers I follow of course} So...I'm going to combine 32 and 33 weeks....right now...game time.
How far along? Today I am officially 33 weeks
Countdown: 7 weeks left!
Size: The size of a durian {anyone else not know what a durian is??}
Total weight gain: +23 lbs total...still leveled off at the same weight
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32 weeks 5 days |
Stretch marks? Found a few new ones, all small---all for a good cause, right?
Sleep: Finally have the pillow situation down pat...and I'm only getting up once in the night for potty breaks :)
Best moment this week: Getting a few last minute things in the mail for the nursery!
Miss Anything? Sushi....& wine!!!
Movement: Lots, especially when I lay down at night for bed and first thing in the morning when it's quiet. He still doesn't like me laying on my left side for whatever reason and enjoys letting me know he doesn't like it. Movements are much less "kick" and jerky, and much more fluid, you can see him rolling around in there switching positions to get more comfortable. Amazing how he is already forming a little personality in there.
Food cravings: None. I'm back to "I'm hungry but...what do I want??"
Anything making you queasy or sick:Nope!
Gender: Baby Boy!
Labor Signs: None {other than the usual braxton hicks when I'm active}
Symptoms: Pregnancy brain?? Round ligament pain and I had my first bloody nose the other day
Belly Button in or out? Barely in...I don't think it's going to pop though.
Wedding rings on or off? On but I still take them off to sleep
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy. There are so many wonderful things coming up!!!
Looking forward to: Tonight!!!! My Mom, Dad, Grandma and Aunt are coming into town and we are going to refinish the dresser for the nursery, attempt to finish the bedding and hopefully hunt for the accessories to top it all off. Along with all the other little projects needing to be done {Like the light hung and the closet finished!}
Next Appointment: Thursday November 29!
I'm hoping next week I can do a few sneak peeks of some nursery projects so stay tuned!
Monday, November 12, 2012
31 Weeks {falling behind}
How far along? 31 weeks 5 days
Countdown: 9 weeks left!
Size: The size of a pineapple! {What a nice visual...right??}
Total weight gain: +23 lbs total, at the same weight as my last appointment. Since that appointment I have lost 3 lbs then gained it back. My body is doing strannnngggeee strange things.
Maternity clothes? Yes, but still mixing them with some of my regular clothes
Stretch marks? Same
Sleep: Sleeping way more. I took a hiatus to our guest room for a few nights {J is a tosser/turner and I just wanted to punch him....I figured I should remove myself from that situation!} but am back in our bed enjoying nightly back rubs so I won't go back to the guest room :) {ulterior motive on my part to get nightly backrubs? maybe?}
Best moment this week: FINALLY feeling rested. J's mom hosted our second baby shower over the weekend and we got to see people we haven't seen since our wedding a little over a year ago and it was really special!
Miss Anything? Sushi....& wine!!!
Movement: Lots, especially when I lay down at night for bed and first thing in the morning when it's quiet. He still doesn't like me laying on my left side for whatever reason and enjoys letting me know he doesn't like it.
Food cravings: None. I'm back to "I'm hungry but...what do I want??"
Anything making you queasy or sick:Nope!
Gender: Baby Boy!
Labor Signs: Braxton hicks especially when exercising/walking
Symptoms: Round ligament pain-he's growing and I can TOTALLY tell
Belly Button in or out? Barely in...I don't think it's going to pop.
Wedding rings on or off? On but I still take them off to sleep
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy. There are so many wonderful things coming up!!!
Looking forward to: Thanksgiving!!!! My Mom, Dad, Grandma and Aunt are coming into town and we are going to refinish the dresser for the nursery, attempt to finish the bedding and hopefully hunt for the accessories to top it all off. Along with all the other little projects needing to be done {Like the light hung and the closet finished!}
Next Appointment: This Thursday! I'll do our 32 week post on Friday {hopefully}
I'll see if I can snatch some of the pictures of the shower this weekend from J's phone. We didn't take any of us {weird} but he got pictures of the ADORABLE decorations his mom and younger brother's girlfriend worked so hard on.
When my parents get here next weekend we are going to knock out a bunch of these nursery projects, maybe then I'll be able to share some sneak peeks!! I'm dying to get the base pieces in so I can start ACCESSORIZING!!!!!
Monday, November 5, 2012
I see you....
My favorite part of tracking really ends up being in the Google Search category. What key words bring my blog up...how do people find their way here. The DIY Wooden Pallet Wine Rack/Pallet Wine Rack usually gets the most hits, with the bookcases being the second and are always included on this list. However, today's favorite search key words?
I bet you can't guess which my favorite is :)
I'm not shocked by people searching DIYDavisStyle or DIY Davis Style {that is the person I mentioned above I'm sure, a sibling's CUH-RAY-ZEE ex}but the one that really gets me is that "gained so much weight belly pic week"
I'm sorry...how does that bring my blog up????
Friday, November 2, 2012
30 Weeks!
How far along? 30 weeks (but measuring 32 weeks...uh oh)
Countdown: 10 weeks left!
Size: The size of a head of cabbage
Total weight gain: +23 lbs total {Midwife said baby hit a major growth spurt this week...or maybe I ate too much....but since I'm eating the exact same it was probably a growth spurt!}
Maternity clothes? Yes, but still mixing them with some of my regular clothes
Stretch marks? I found a new one, but J says I am imagining it b/c it isn't really there...so who knows
Sleep: Not enough of it and it's taking its toll

Miss Anything? Being able to get comfortable enough to sleep...actually being able to sleep in general
Movement: Lots, especially when I lay down at night for bed and first thing in the morning when it's quiet
Food cravings: I ate almost an entire bag of oranges this week...yikes
Anything making you queasy or sick:Not anymore! If I don't eat then I get a little queasy but I just make sure to have snacks with me constantly
Gender: Baby Boy!
Labor Signs: Braxton hicks especially when exercising/walking
Symptoms: Pregnancy brain, braxton hicks and lower back pain for sure, also the continuation of leaky boob
Belly Button in or out? Barely in...
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Getting more moody...but that is because I'm barely sleeping and have people in my life stressing me out :) It can't be helped
Looking forward to: Thanksgiving!!!! My Mom, Dad, Grandma and Aunt are coming into town and we are going to refinish the dresser for the nursery, attempt to finish the bedding and hopefully hunt for the accessories to top it all off. Along with all the other little projects needing to be done {Like the light hung and the closet finished!}
Next Appointment: November 15! Every 2 weeks!
Okay, so now for the fill in. This was the first time we had seen this particular midwife since 18 weeks {we have 4 different ones that we see, that way when we go into labor there is a familiar face in the delivery room no matter who is on call} and she was excited to learn my previa had completely gone away and my placenta is not even low lying anymore. So she is going on and on about how great I'm doing, blood pressure-GREAT! Previa-GONE! Heartrate-a steady 137-GREAT!
Then she drops a bomb on me and makes a crack that I think was really rude....I have tried very hard my entire pregnancy to eat really healthy to make sure Hudson is getting all of the best nutrition. Sure I have focused a lot on veggies and fruits {mostly veggies} but she makes a crack "Wow you had a spike in your weight this week, that's unusual for you. Did you eat too much Halloween candy?" and that is when I went from happy pregnant lady to...somebody better get this b*tch before I punch her haha. It offended me, instead of making a joke, if it was a concern, talk to me like an adult...don't make a joke about it because I don't think it's funny.
I left feeling horrible about myself...how could I gain 7 lbs in 2 weeks?! I haven't been eating any differently! I immediately called my mom because J just didn't understand, and she helped me realize I wasn't focusing on the the right thing. The midwife did say that I had a spike in weight, but it could be because the baby hit a growth spurt and according to my mom, that is exactly how it happened when she was pregnant with both me and my sister.
We will see in 2 weeks if he is still measuring big and if he is, then she'll order an ultrasound to verify and we will go from there.If he levels off then we know it was because of an eating habit of mine....but honestly, if he is healthy and doing well then I am not concerned with a spike in weight. After sleeping on it and talking with some other pregnant mommy friends...they really helped me to put it into perspective. It will be what it will be and all I can do about it is continue to try to eat as healthy as I can and focus on having an amazing last 10 weeks! Midwife be damned!
{It also helped that one of my mommy friends told me to give her the finger and continue to eat what I wanted within reason...hehe I have the best friends!}
And it started with Meeghan....
For my close friends on Facebook, and family, you all know that since moving to Charlotte J and I got involved in a rescue organization called Dog Days of Charlotte.
For those of you who don't, I am a huge dog lover. Pretty much all animals in general, but dogs hold a special place in my heart. They have their own personalities, quirks and mannerisms. They love unconditionally and get their feelings hurt, just like you and I.
The thing that dogs don't do? Dogs don't hold grudges....
They love you when you scold them, when you play with them and when you love them. To me, it's the purest kind of love.
This is how we acquired our dog, Meeghan. I say acquired because it really was a Foster 101 FAIL. She was our very first foster with this group and it was something we had never done before. We volunteered to take any of the dogs the group was pulling that week and they placed us with Meeghan. At the time, she was 7 months old and completely petrified of everything.
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Meet Meeghan. This was taken on her Euthanization Date Also the day that she was "pulled" from the shelter and placed in our home...where she would stay FURever |
See this foster group pulls dogs from shelters here in the South that are considered "High Kill", some of the shelters down here still gas dogs. And if that isn't written in plain enough text, they put the dogs in gas chambers until they die, sometimes it takes multiple times...feeling sick yet? I'll get on to the happy part...
Meeghan chose us. She was supposed to head up to a rescue in Pennsylvania...the demand for dogs is much higher in the North and they have "No Kill" shelters. This group places dogs who we can't find Furever homes for, in rescues knowing that they will find amazing homes for these amazing animals.
Her transport came and went and for whatever reason, Meeghan stayed behind every time. She was the type of puppy who cowered in the corner, balled up as tightly as she could be. We picked her up to take her outside {thankfully in our fenced in back yard} then picked her up to bring her back in because she was so petrified of people that she froze...dead weight with all limbs tucked firmly underneath her shaking body.
Every night J carried her up to our bedroom and placed her at the foot of our bed where we would shower her with attention and kisses hoping that she would allow us in to her little world...to just love her. I tear up writing this post because it makes me sick to think about where she came from, what her story could be. My heart broke for her every time someone stood up too quickly or raised their hands for a high five, what kind of person would treat an animal so poorly that someone standing made her petrified?
When her last transport finally came, she had just chosen us. She finally was making progress and letting us in slowly but surely. She could finally go out side on her own...but only if we opened the door and went into the other room. She never had accidents, never misbehaved, never chewed...and when the time came for us to coordinate a meet up to drop her off J and I cried like babies. Knowing that she had come so far and she would have to start all over with someone else...maybe someone without other dogs {she was so attached to Diogi and Noli, our other 2 dogs} and maybe with a family who didn't have the patience to let Meeghan love them the way they wanted in the time they wanted.
We spent hours crying, I can't even count the hours of discussion. The next day I called the group....and I said those words....I can't give her up. She has to stay with us....
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Told you she liked her toys! |
Today she is almost 3 years old, loves people, her toys, walks, playing fetch with her ball, and sleeping side by side with her brother, our husky Diogi. She no longer cowers in the corner or shies away from people wanting to pet her, we have a designated cuddle time every day when I get home from work where she hugs my neck and puts her head under my chin so I can give her kisses at the notch where her nose meets her face. We take her to restaurants where she lays contently under my feet on her leash waiting for a handout because I'm a softy. If you ask anyone in our family, she has made a 400% improvement, I oftentimes hear "This can't be the same dog" or "She is a completely different dog!"
This is why the group does what they do. So that dogs like Meeghan who would have been put down because she was "Shy on intake" got a second chance....we were her second chance...
I'm posting this link so if you can't foster but would like to contribute, it's here. Every little bit helps. And if you are in the Charlotte area and would like more information on the foster program, you can visit their website or their Facebook. The group provides you with everything you would need to foster, a kennel, collar, leash and even food. In turn they also take donations of these items! So if you're looking for a GREAT cause...there is none better...
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