Friday, November 2, 2012
30 Weeks!
How far along? 30 weeks (but measuring 32 weeks...uh oh)
Countdown: 10 weeks left!
Size: The size of a head of cabbage
Total weight gain: +23 lbs total {Midwife said baby hit a major growth spurt this week...or maybe I ate too much....but since I'm eating the exact same it was probably a growth spurt!}
Maternity clothes? Yes, but still mixing them with some of my regular clothes
Stretch marks? I found a new one, but J says I am imagining it b/c it isn't really who knows
Sleep: Not enough of it and it's taking its toll

Miss Anything? Being able to get comfortable enough to sleep...actually being able to sleep in general
Movement: Lots, especially when I lay down at night for bed and first thing in the morning when it's quiet
Food cravings: I ate almost an entire bag of oranges this week...yikes
Anything making you queasy or sick:Not anymore! If I don't eat then I get a little queasy but I just make sure to have snacks with me constantly
Gender: Baby Boy!
Labor Signs: Braxton hicks especially when exercising/walking
Symptoms: Pregnancy brain, braxton hicks and lower back pain for sure, also the continuation of leaky boob
Belly Button in or out? Barely in...
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Getting more moody...but that is because I'm barely sleeping and have people in my life stressing me out :) It can't be helped
Looking forward to: Thanksgiving!!!! My Mom, Dad, Grandma and Aunt are coming into town and we are going to refinish the dresser for the nursery, attempt to finish the bedding and hopefully hunt for the accessories to top it all off. Along with all the other little projects needing to be done {Like the light hung and the closet finished!}
Next Appointment: November 15! Every 2 weeks!
Okay, so now for the fill in. This was the first time we had seen this particular midwife since 18 weeks {we have 4 different ones that we see, that way when we go into labor there is a familiar face in the delivery room no matter who is on call} and she was excited to learn my previa had completely gone away and my placenta is not even low lying anymore. So she is going on and on about how great I'm doing, blood pressure-GREAT! Previa-GONE! Heartrate-a steady 137-GREAT!
Then she drops a bomb on me and makes a crack that I think was really rude....I have tried very hard my entire pregnancy to eat really healthy to make sure Hudson is getting all of the best nutrition. Sure I have focused a lot on veggies and fruits {mostly veggies} but she makes a crack "Wow you had a spike in your weight this week, that's unusual for you. Did you eat too much Halloween candy?" and that is when I went from happy pregnant lady to...somebody better get this b*tch before I punch her haha. It offended me, instead of making a joke, if it was a concern, talk to me like an adult...don't make a joke about it because I don't think it's funny.
I left feeling horrible about could I gain 7 lbs in 2 weeks?! I haven't been eating any differently! I immediately called my mom because J just didn't understand, and she helped me realize I wasn't focusing on the the right thing. The midwife did say that I had a spike in weight, but it could be because the baby hit a growth spurt and according to my mom, that is exactly how it happened when she was pregnant with both me and my sister.
We will see in 2 weeks if he is still measuring big and if he is, then she'll order an ultrasound to verify and we will go from there.If he levels off then we know it was because of an eating habit of mine....but honestly, if he is healthy and doing well then I am not concerned with a spike in weight. After sleeping on it and talking with some other pregnant mommy friends...they really helped me to put it into perspective. It will be what it will be and all I can do about it is continue to try to eat as healthy as I can and focus on having an amazing last 10 weeks! Midwife be damned!
{It also helped that one of my mommy friends told me to give her the finger and continue to eat what I wanted within reason...hehe I have the best friends!}
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What a bitch!
ReplyDeleteHahaha! Thank you for saying so! I weighed this morning to see if maybe I was just bloated or whatever and I'm back down 3 lbs so who knows!
DeleteThis makes me grumble. It seems like this week was an epic week for disappointment with midwives. Every body is different and as a woman who makes very large babies I can say that it most certainly happens in spurts! You'll find (even more) once Hudson arrives that you will take standard text book care from midwives, pediatricians, etc. with a grain of salt. I've had many times where I've been given standard advice from a provider and thought "well, that's fine and dandy, but..." and fill in the blank for your own instinct. Even educated medical professionals can flaunt ignorance. Trust your instincts, they are always spot on. You're beautiful and full of BABY, enjoy your shape because as long as Hudson is healthy it's perfect!
ReplyDeleteI completely agree! It would be different if I were eating unhealthily and I knew I should be eating better, but it caught me off guard because I have been eating so well!! So---taken with a pint of salt lol check!