Sunday, December 9, 2012
35 weeks
I need to start this post by saying...bless my hubby's heart. He's a good man who puts up with my crazy schenanigans. In this case? It was a serious case of "nesting" completely out of the blue. Yesterday morning I got up and decided I needed to do some laundry, then got downstairs and decided I needed to wipe EVERYTHING down with Clorox wipes. I'm talking walls, doors, floor trim and any non fabric accessory within reach. While obsessively cleaning I got the idea that the family room furniture HAD to be moved and it had to be done right that minute.
And I must say, a deep clean, new arrangement and holiday decorations had me sleeping like a baby last night {except for the 3 dreams that woke me up panicking thinking that I was in labor}.
Pictures of the new set up are below and the 35 week baby bump is on its way, but until's the update!
How far along? As of Wednesday, officially 35 weeksCountdown: 5 weeks left!
Size: Up to about 5.8 lbs and around 18.7 inches, and he is right on track. No longer measuring big! Coconut size?
Total weight gain: +25 lbs total
Maternity clothes? Yes, but still mixing them with some of my regular clothes
Stretch marks? Same
Sleep: Sleeping's the avoidance thing...I'm telling you
Best moment this week: My work family threw me a baby shower!
Miss Anything? Definitely wine
Movement: I think he is definitely running out of room. Much less movement {flips/kicks/jabs} and more of the fluid...I can't move my arm anymore
Food cravings: None.I'm back to...nothing sounds good.
Anything making you queasy or sick:Nope!
Gender: Baby Boy!
Labor Signs: Braxton hicks with back pain...especially when I have been too active.
Symptoms: Lower back pain...pretty constant and just uncomfortable.
Belly Button in or out? Barely in...I don't think it's going to pop though.
Wedding rings on or off? I'm down to wearing just one band...I'm getting sick of taking them on and off at night
Happy or Moody most of the time: Getting a little more moody, but I think that has to do with the whole, not having a plan thing.

Next Appointment: Next week! December 13th...we're going to ask the midwife if we can drive home to Virginia for Christmas...cross your fingers?

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