Friday, October 12, 2012

The best and the worst...

The best thing a pregnant lady can hear? Here is a brief list of the things I have heard lately from friends, co-workers and family that I absolutely love hearing:
27 weeks 3 days!
*You look amazing! {why, thank you}
*Pregnancy definitely agrees with you! {I take this as a compliment any day of the week, I love being pregnant!}
*I wish my skin was that clear and my hair was that shiny {I realize these things will not last...and that my hair will eventually fall out some...but I'll take 'em while I can!} 
*You don't even look pregnant from the back! {Well thank you....thank you very much!!!}
*You're all baby! {That IS the point....}
*Your husband is a lucky man! {I like to think so too :) although when I was told this, it was by another man and was a little creepy....but still complimentary nonetheless}

*I am so jealous of your baby bump! I never had a bump like that {To many, this might not be a compliment...but to me, it is! I am completely and totally embracing this pregnancy, little Hudson is a gift from God and my baby bump is proof that he is alive, growing and healthy}

Things people say because they think they're being nice....but really I want to punch them in the face. Luckily there are only a few of these:

*Roll it on in here... {uhm, I'm sorry...roll WHAT on in here?}
*I can already tell....he's going to be a big baby {I'm sorry...and how can you tell that?}
*When he kicks your stomach goes "bluhbblubhblub" {that is my interpretation of the sound effect that was that supposed to be a ripple effect? Like why would you say that???}
*Woah, you are so much bigger than the last time I saw you! {Uh....well...babies tend to grow....and I hope you mean that my stomach is much bigger...and not the rest of me!}

When and if you were pregnant...what did you like to hear, and what did people say that made you want to punch them in the face??

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  1. Oh, and I hope this story will bring a smile to your face:

  2. From complete strangers (this week actually):
    "Any day now huh?" - um no, I'm actually barely past the halfway mark and I'm very aware that we make large babies.
    "Oh wow! You're only 23 weeks!? Twins!?" - nope, I'm just a whale, thanks for pointing that out. So far this is the most common one I've heard between both pregnancies.

    1. Hahahhahahaha Lee Anne-I have had the "any day now" comment too! Big babies are healthy babies! Who cares what anyone says :)

  3. "You look really uncomfortable"--ya think? I'm 38 weeks, huge, and it is 95 degrees outside with humidity at 100%. Yeah I'm uncomfortable.

    "Any day now!"--but only when I was 40 weeks+ (Caden was born 10 days overdue--I was induced 9 days overdue) and "any day now" really would have been more appreciated had it happened 3 weeks prior

    I also got asked one time by a non-medical person (i.e. not one of the OBs or nurses that would NEED to know or SHOULD know) "so how much weight have you gained so far?"--*sigh* Let's leave it at "a lot" shall we? I gained a ton. All my fault, but what's a girl to do when she LOVES junk food and ice cream is one of the things that does NOT upset her stomach?

    You look great, you look the perfect size for Hudson, and Hudson will come out being exactly the size he should be :)

    1. I hear that "uncomfortable" although it would probably tick me off if someone TOLD me I looked uncomfortable. Although, come to think of it, a lady at work said "'re already getting the pregnancy waddle" I'm sorry...I sit almost all day and my back freekin' hurts!

      Dear baby Jesus please let Hudson be on time haha...

      People ask me ALL.THE.TIME how much weight I have gained!!! I don't get it! You don't ask a woman her weight whether she is pregnant or not...period. But thank you :) I'm trying really hard to stay within the "healthy weight gain", but craving veggies and healthy stuff has been making that part pretty easy..Bless!

  4. You are one beautiful pregnant women/mama! I hope i look half as good as u do when im preggo!


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    1. Aw, thank you! So glad you found your way over here...I love making new blogger friends!
