Tuesday, October 9, 2012

26 Weeks...nothing special

26 weeks and nothing special because did y'all check out my fall post?? 
How far along? 26 weeks

Size: About the size of a head of lettuce
Total weight gain: +11 lbs total
Maternity clothes? Yep
Stretch marks? Same--using way more coco butter and assorted body butters.
Sleep: Tried a new trick...pillow behind my back/under my hip while I'm side sleeping. Prevents hubby cuddles BUT is super comfy! {In addition to the pillow between the knees}
Best moment this week: Experiencing more movement
Miss Anything? Having the energy to decorate my home for the season! I'm getting there...slowly but surely
Movement: Yes! Feeling it and watching it...the best
Food cravings: No real cravings
Anything making you queasy or sick: If I don't eat
Gender: Baby Boy!
Labor Signs: None.
Symptoms: Just not as much energy as I usually have
Belly Button in or out? Barely in...
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy :) Loving being pregnant and sharing this time with J
Looking forward to: Our next Ultrasound next week!
Next Appointment: October 18th, an ultra sound, meeting with our midwife AND the O'Sullivan glucose test...It is crazy that here shortly I'll be seeing our midwife twice a month! It seems like just yesterday it was May and we were on pins and needles trying to wait the 1st trimester to share the news publicly. We obviously told our families first....but waiting til 9 weeks to tell everyone else was killer! 

Picture to come....I promise! I lied....I completely forgot to take one...then I took one and realized it can't count because now I am technically 27 weeks! Oops :) sorry y'all!

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