Thursday, August 30, 2012

Big Fat 'Fraidy Cat...Just Like my Seester

Okay, so I was just catching up on my sister's blog...and she recently {in May...I know, i'm a bad sister} wrote this HILarious post on being a 'fraidy cat. Now that I am pregnant, I had to concentrate really hard on not peeing my pants a little as I read her description on how she got to her car {I'll stop here...I don't want to ruin her post for you}and it got me thinking...

Is being a 'fraidy cat genetic?

I is it possible that we are both afraid of the same thing?  What are the chances that we are mutually petrified slightly afraid of is the exact same thing? What is it, you ask?

The dark. Don't judge and don't act like you never cut all the lights off downstairs, only to sprint up the stairs could someone try to sneak up on you if you sprint up the would hear them sprint up the stairs too right? Riiiighhhttt

This totally has me is it that I am about to be a Mommy and I am still a 'fraidy cat of the dark? What if bebe Hud says he is a 'fraidy cat too? I can't lie to my son and tell him there is nothing to be afraid of...because let's be honest...I don't believe it!

The second I start thinking....Haleigh...this is silly. You are an adult and the dark is nothing to be frightened of...BAM the neighbors mulch shitting cat jumps out {I'm sure I'll write a post soon to fill you in on this}...or I hear a mysterious bush rustle. or I swear I see a dark hooded shadow-y figure plotting my just never know....right?

This has to be the work of our Grandma, hovering over us as we slept to make sure that we were breathing, or possibly another creepy scenario involving our germaphobic, paranoide loving Grandma....

What are you a 'fraidy cat over?
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1 comment:

  1. OMGoodness I'm dying right now!!! Where's our cat post, huh???
