Thursday, August 30, 2012
21 Weeks
Size: Hudson is about 10.5 inches, the length of a banana and around 3/4lb.
Total weight gain: +6 lbs total
Maternity clothes? Still loving them...excited for fall because I have some cute tunic sweaters!
Stretch marks? Same--using way more coco butter!
Sleep: Sleeping 7-8 hours a night with pillow between my knees or under my left hip and taking after work naps, or 30 minute power naps in my car.

Miss Anything? Being able to sleep right away. Hudson is already establishing his schedule!
Movement: Yes! Every morning around 7:30 on my drive into work, around mid morning (10:30 or so) then again around lunch time (around 1ish) then he's SUPER active around 9pm when I'm exhausted and just want to sleep. But humming Amazing Grace seems to calm him right down (hopefully that will continue when he is born!)
Food cravings: Still wanting fruit and veggies...but today I want pasta....BAD
Anything making you queasy or sick: If I don't eat
Gender: Baby Boy!
Labor Signs: None.
Symptoms: Some round ligament pain (hip pain)
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy...but definitely get grumpy if I don't eat
Looking forward to: Getting our glider! I can't wait to sit in there and dream :) And my mom/sister have planned my baby shower for next weekend (with the Previa they are concerned I might end up on bed rest or being not allowed to travel to although it is WAY will be nice to see everyone!) Then J's mom is throwing her own shower but the date is TBD :)
Next Appointment: September 6th, another Ultra Sound to check the Previa (say a little prayer that it moves!)
DIY Davis Style
Big Fat 'Fraidy Cat...Just Like my Seester
Is being a 'fraidy cat genetic?
I is it possible that we are both afraid of the same thing? What are the chances that we are mutually
The dark. Don't judge and don't act like you never cut all the lights off downstairs, only to sprint up the stairs could someone try to sneak up on you if you sprint up the would hear them sprint up the stairs too right? Riiiighhhttt
This totally has me is it that I am about to be a Mommy and I am still a 'fraidy cat of the dark? What if bebe Hud says he is a 'fraidy cat too? I can't lie to my son and tell him there is nothing to be afraid of...because let's be honest...I don't believe it!
The second I start thinking....Haleigh...this is silly. You are an adult and the dark is nothing to be frightened of...BAM the neighbors mulch shitting cat jumps out {I'm sure I'll write a post soon to fill you in on this}...or I hear a mysterious bush rustle. or I swear I see a dark hooded shadow-y figure plotting my just never know....right?
This has to be the work of our Grandma, hovering over us as we slept to make sure that we were breathing, or possibly another creepy scenario involving our
What are you a 'fraidy cat over?
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Holy cow we are halfway in our pregnancy....the past 19 weeks have flown by. I hear that is usually how it goes, then the last half drags by because you are so excited about the arrival. Mommy friends...was this true for you? I have really started getting into the whole boy theme...but I can't help it...I still absolutely hate anything powder/baby blue. The color seriously makes me ill...*shudders* SO Hudson will be wearing lots of navy and brown because those are my only two other options it seems...
Work has been stressful and exhausting so when I get home at night I seem to seek solace in a book and bubble bath...and a back rub from J which seems to make everything better! It is officially show season so time will go by fast whether I am ready for it or not, I'm sure! Show Season {for those of you not in event planning} means crunch time. Every single deadline through out the year? Due right now....and it is full steam ahead until my show is done September 24th...until the next season!
So before I lose my is my 20 week post!
How far along? 20 weeksSize: Hudson is the size of a banana or cantaloupe (depending on which website you read)
Total weight gain: +6 lbs total
Maternity clothes? Excited for fall to wear some of the sweaters I got!
Stretch marks? 2 on my left hip (not a happy camper...luckily I can't tell on my right side because of my tattoos)Sleep: Still sleeping 7-8 hours a night with pillow between my knees or under my left hip---a friend made me a 6' long body pillow which is seriously heavenly
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Diogi (our Husky) wanted to be in this one |
Miss Anything? Knowing exactly what I would like to eat...I know I'm hungry...just don't know what I want!And I miss being able to eat a full meal. It seems like I take 3 bites and I'm super stuffed
Movement: He's a wiggler, that's for sure!
Food cravings: Still wanting fruit and veggies...but also more hearty soups. Looking forward to Fall!
Anything making you queasy or sick: If I don't eat when I first wake up. The smell of J's coffee. Overly fragrant flowers. Standing up too fast!
Gender: Baby Boy!
Labor Signs: None.
Symptoms: Some round ligament pain (hip pain)
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy...but definitely get grumpy if I don't eat
Looking forward to: Getting our glider! I can't wait to sit in there and dream :)
Next Appointment: September 6th, another Ultra Sound to check the Previa
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
19 Weeks
A week has gone by and J and I have been spending less and less time fretting over the Previa. We are leaving it in God's hands and know that he will do what is best. If that means I have to have a c-section...then that's what it will be!'s to almost halfway!
How far along? 19 weeks
Size: Hudson is the size of a large heirloom tomato
Total weight gain: +6 lbs total
Maternity clothes? Just found a pair of maternity skinny jeans at Old Navy...SO excited that I will be able to wear boots this fall!

Sleep: Sleeping 7-8 hours a night with pillow between my knees or under my left hip
Best moment this week: Enjoying a little more movement and we ordered our Glider/ottoman for the nursery AND registered!Miss Anything? Knowing exactly what I would like to eat...
Food cravings: Still wanting fruit and veggies...but also more hearty soups. Looking forward to Fall!
Anything making you queasy or sick: If I don't eat when I first wake up. The smell of J's coffee. Overly fragrant flowers
Gender: Baby Boy!
Labor Signs: None.
Symptoms: Some round ligament pain (hip pain)
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy...but definitely get grumpy if I don't eat
Looking forward to: Getting our glider! I can't wait to sit in there and dream :)
Next Appointment: September 6th, another Ultra Sound to check the Previa
Monday, August 13, 2012
Lot's of P Words...Part 2
I promised I would write a part two, and for those of you who are friends of mine on facebook you already know the gender news :) But for those of you who are only my friends in the blogging are some more P's.
Penis! No, but really! Baby Davis has one :) and now we know it! Overshare? We have been solid on names since week 4 or 5. J and I know what we like and for the past few years I have been keeping a spreadsheet of baby first names and middle names {don't judge me} that I have heard that I absolutely love and didn't want to forget. So when we found out we were expecting we sat down and went through my spreadsheet. Hudson Fischer Davis is coming soon!
Now that we know the sex, we have started purchasing baby boy outfits and let me say...the selection is not as big for a boy like it is for a girl BUT there are some really stinkin cute baby boy clothes. And the hubbs likes clothes! He will be a mini J for sure....loafers, plaid wovens and slim fit jeans for sure.
We revealed the gender to J's family on Thursday with cupcakes filled with baby blue icing-and only his younger brother and his girlfriend guessed correctly. Everyone else thought girl! When I went home to Virginia to tell my family the plan was to get up Saturday morning and share the news over a Reichgott Style Family Breakfast {I capitalize this like a title because it is legend 'round these parts}. However, Friday morning I got up and was so anxious and excited to share the news with my family I just knew I couldn't wait until the NEXT morning! Plus I had almost slipped while talking to my mom on the phone like 5 times!
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Our Facebook Picture for far away friends & family |
Now that all the happy stuff is out of the way I have one more P I didn't share the other day and this one might suck the most. Pelvic Rest. Not bed rest...but PELVIC rest. Not sure what that means? Well for one thing it means absolutely no sex with my hubby. It also means that I can't do any heavy exercise except for walking and swimming and I'm not allowed to lift anything over 15/20 lbs. This last part is the most difficult for me because I have always been the type to just say I'll get it! And I feel completely helpless...which I do not do very well at all. But, I just have to keep reminding myself that everything I do {especially now} directly affects Hudson.
One more P and then I swear I'm done...POSITIVITY!!! Throughout this whole experience J and I have talked a lot and prayed even more. Knowing that God has a bigger plan and this is the way He meant it to be. It's bringing us closer together and making us rely on each other more which is more than I could ask for. I have realized I need to not be sad because at the end of the day, no matter HOW he gets Hudson will be healthy and in my arms and that is ultimately all that matters. Positive thoughts, Prayers and some other P's aside Hudson is a blessing and we wouldn't have it any other way!
DIY Davis Style
{HD} {& Baby Hudson}
Friday, August 10, 2012
Lots of P Words & 18 Weeks Pt. 1
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Profile of BD |
Size: BD is the size of a large bell pepper
Total weight gain: +5 lbs total {Still at the same weight}
Maternity clothes? Love them!
Stretch marks? Nope!
Sleep: Napping every day after work and sleeping 7-8 hours a night with pillow between my knees or under my left hip
Best moment this week: Getting the crib and finding out what BD is!
Miss Anything? Having normal emotions
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18 Weeks |
Food cravings: Fruit, veggies (definitely salads)...Broccoli and cucumber for sure!
Anything making you queasy or sick: If I don't eat....and apparently riding in the back seat of a car...
Gender: We know!!!! Stay tuned for Part 2 tomorrow!
Labor Signs: None.
Symptoms: I fainted in the middle of Old Navy
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy...but definitely getting very emotional for no reason
Looking forward to: Telling our family and friends what BD is!
Next Appointment: September 6th, another Ultra Sound
So now we can get on to the MOSTLY good part. As the title says...there were LOTS of P words yesterday....the first was Placenta Previa....and it rocked my world when they said those words. I had read a little about it but skipped mostly over it because everything looked and felt normal, I never had any bleeding or cramping. Placenta Previa affects 1 in every 200 pregnancies and is for the most part...a freak thing. Just like a miscarriage. HOWEVER this is not as devastating as a miscarriage although when they explained everything to me I felt like my world was crumbling in.
J and I had decided whole heartedly 100% that we would be having a natural birth, using a midwife...drug free. Placenta Previa means that the baby's plecenta is low lying and completely covering the cervix, meaning there is no way baby could get out through a VB {vaginal birth}. When Placenta Previa is found before 20 weeks there is a chance that the placenta will migrate back to where it is supposed to be.The chance is lower if the Previa is complete or total, meaning it completely or totally covers the cervix which is what mine is. After my appointment I had so many mixed emotions. I was so happy to hear the gender of our baby so I can start calling it by name instead of just "IT" but I was so disappointed that my body was probably going to make it impossible to have the type of birth experience that I really wanted.
The last big P is....Passing out. After we left the Dr.'s office J knew I was heart broken and really upset about the Previa, it was something that came out of left field and I was having a really hard time wrapping my mind around it and thinking of anything else. He was so great through the whole thing, remaining positive and asking the right questions. After my appointment, instead of going back to work as planned he decided we needed to go to lunch, to talk about all the information we just received and to talk about the pros and cons {I'm a black and white girl....Placenta Previa is a VERY grey thing...} After lunch he suggested we pop over to Old Navy to purchase our very first baby outfit that wasn't gender neutral and I thought it was exactly what I needed.
This is where it goes down hill. He took me in and bought me a new pair of flats {hubbs knows how to cheer me up} and suggested I change out of my spike stilletoes and into the flats to be more comfortable while shopping. Great suggestion on his part because after we shopped for a bit we went to the cash register and this is where it all went down...literally.
The poor sales girl was so sweet, saying how much she loved the outfits we picked out and how cool it is that we are preparing ourselves etc. etc. and I was having a hard time focusing on what she was saying. I was getting really hot and clammy. Thinking I was going to maybe be sick, I pulled J in front of me so I could lean up against his back--and so the cashier didn't think I was being rude. I looked up to tell him I needed to sit down and my vision went cloudy and it sounded like everyone was talking to me underwater and the next thing I know I am on my bum and J is in my face asking me if I'm okay.
I have never had any problems like this...ever, so it was really scary and overwhelming. J got me to the bench and the adorable sales gal was very concerned asking if I needed water or anything else. I just wanted to get out of there...I was completely embarrassed {I was in work clothes...a pencil skirt...well...the outfit above) J got me out to the car and through the Chick-Fil-A drive through for some water. Then he called the Dr.
They were so helpful and attentive and really put J at ease. They said it could have been a spike then drop in blood sugar or it could have been because I was up and down too much but they called 3 times to check on me to make sure I was okay. I really think we found the right Dr. Office!
J took me home and I was able to rest before his family got there for the big reveal! It meant so much that we could tell his family together and I will journey to Va tonight to share the good news in person with my famly. I'll post more {along with Gender and name} tomorrow!
DIY Davis Style
Thursday, August 2, 2012
17 Weeks-I pee therefore I am...
Size: BD weighs as much as a turnip and is about 5 inches from head to bum
Total weight gain: +5 lbs {I'm down a pound from last week....I don't like to eat when I'm hot...}
Maternity clothes? I still will never go back to regular can't make me! And i am loving the shirts with the ruched comfy and forgiving
Stretch marks? Those 2 last week? definitely old :) we're all clear
Sleep: About 7-8 hours a night. Not really taking naps anymore
Best moment this week: Ordering the crib...
Miss Anything? Sushi....I have wanted it really bad lately!
Movement: Still sporadic
Food cravings: Fruit, veggies (definitely salads)...and the sushi I can't eat :(
Anything making you queasy or sick: If I don't eat....and apparently riding in the back seat of a car...
Gender: We get to find out next Thursday {if BD cooperates}
Labor Signs: None.
Symptoms: None this week! Feeling GREAT! Except as the title says...I have to pee...ALL.THE.TIMEBelly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy...but a little moody now and then
Looking forward to: Feeling MORE movement and J being able to feel baby too
Next Appointment: August 9nd, find out the gender!!!
....until next week!
{DIY Davis Style}
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