Thursday, June 21, 2012

Crib Bedding Project of the Century

Okay so I obviously just want to talk about baby things until BD {baby davis} gets here BUT I need to stay a liiiitle true to the purpose of this blog. So I wanted to share with you the fabric swatches my Mom and I found this weekend at Mary Jo's Fabric {the holy grail of fabric stores located in Gastonia, NC right off Cox Rd.} If you haven't ever been, and live close, make the will not disappoint!

We were in the store for all of about 10 minutes when I found the base fabric. Let me preface this story by saying that I found the BEDDING OF MY DREAMS online {picture below} however...when added all up came close to $600....I'm sorry but that is the cost of the crib that I like and I can't justify spending THAT much on just bedding...especially bedding that BD is probably going to poop, pee and throw up on....
{Via: Carousel Designs}
So, like I said, I was so IN LOVE with this bedding, because it is neutral {could be girl or boy} and I just adore the pattern! When we when to Mary Jo's I had a very specific idea in my head of what I wanted...which never usually ends well because I usually get my hopes up and then I cannot find anything that I like. It happened with my High School Senior Prom Dress....we went all up and down the East Coast looking for the perfect dress and I ended up with one I hated. But that is besides the point.

This is the base print

Boy option with Navy Blue Ticking

Girl option with pale pink ticking
Without further are the swatches. A girl option and a boy option...I am, however, keeping our names hush hush until we find out what we're having...but we have First and middle names picked out...AND nicknames :) {What can I say....I like to be prepared!}

I just adore ticking. It is the striped fabric that we will be using as an accent. In the 1800s and 1900s the navy ticking was used for pillows and mattresses where we use cotton today. I think it is really neat that it has a history and a so many other pieces in our home.I will use the ticking for the crib skirt, bumper ties as well as an accent pillow for the rocker [and maybe some DIY art on the wall but you'll have to stay tuned to find that out!}. 

The printed fabric will make up the majority of the room. I will use it for the crib quilt, the bumpers {except for the ties} as well as the curtains.

This is the pattern we chose. I love the single box pleat on the skirt and think it just looks really clean, plus the pattern has a lot of additional items besides the quilt, bumper, sheets, and curtains. I will probably only be using the pattern for the quilt, skirt and bumpers though...I don't need all that other hulla-baloo. For the curtains I am going to stick with floor length panels, tied back. I will leave our plain white blinds hanging but will tie up the cord so BD can't hang him or her self :)

Using a pattern makes it much easier. The back of the pattern has each piece labled...A, B, C, D, etc. Beside each of the letters (for those of you who are non sewers) it tells you how much fabric you need as well as any additional materials{ie: batting for the quilt or velcro for the bumper} If you get hung up or have questions, just comment and I'll do the best that I can to help!

I think we are going to be able to make a high quality bedding, in the colors and patterns that I want for 1/4 of the price. PLUS I know 100% without a doubt that I am getting exactly what J and I have been dreaming and talking about since we found out we were expecting little BD!

Stay tuned for pictures and stories :) 

{DIY Davis Style}
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  1. love the bedding! can't wait to hear the names! ah so exciting!

  2. Thanks Brittany! J and I are DYING to find out what we're having! I'll probably post it on here before I do anywhere else :)

  3. Love it! We are doing a Beatrice Potter theme for baby #2 boy or girl, I found the prints at Les Fabrique in C-ville. Even though around here babies don't sleep in their cribs until about 8 months. I love your decorating, so fab! So excited for your gender reveal! We have names for a girl but still debating boys names... Corey gets to pick it for a boy, I only have veto power.
