Tuesday, March 13, 2012

30 Day Challenge {Day 9} and Pintrest Day!

Hi everyoneee!!! I am SO sorry I have been a little touch and go this week....{it's an excuse} but I have a show next weekend and ya'll....I haven't even started packing....I leave Monday at like 5am! AHK! Okay so now that I've gotten that out and let you know I miiiight be a little more MIA until the 26th. NOW to the important stuff! Day number 9 on the 30 Day challenge....Something you're afraid of.

This is completely a no brainer for me. I am a religious person and know in my heart of hearts that The Lord will provide and my life will be His will. If something goes wrong I know it is because He made it so...keeping me from something even more harmful or hurtful. So with that being said...I am completely and I mean completely afraid of death....

For me...for my family..for my friends. I do not handle death well, I know it is His will and he takes the best of the best but I just don't deal well with death on any level. {I lost my dog...a 5lb toy pomeranian named Noli a little over a year ago and I still cry sometimes about losing her...and she was a dog...}

So now that that is out of the way...onto something much more cheerful and exciting! Ya'll remember when I told you we were having a Pintrest Party? Well we had it and it.was.ah.maz.ing! No lie. Everyone should have one. And what would this blog be without some awesome pictures?? :)

Here's what we made:
{Sorry ya'll...I forgot to take pics of everything!}
Blood Orange Mimosas

{Made by me! HD}

{This one made by me but my friend Brittany made her own version and it rocked!}

{My other friend Brittany made these heavenly goodies!} 
{I would like to say this was a joint effort between all of us, BW cut the pickles, SB and I made the egg rolls and BS was our official taste tester! She was busy makin' this awesome recipe that she's had for ages}

{This was SB's project and eventhough she got really frustrated with it taking so long she really stuck it out and it turned out GREAT!}

 If you have questions about how any of the projects listed here were made...just comment! And I'll do a DIY sesh sometime this week or next!

Until next time....Happy DIY'ing!
{DIY Davis Style}
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  1. Woah. That book page wreath is awesome!
    Well done.
    I'd definitely give myself 12 paper cuts on the first go and give up ;)

    1. Thanks, Britt! It took FORever! :) but so well worth it now that it's hanging in my home-"office"!

  2. Awesome! I especially love the book page wreath - might have to try it out myself :)

    1. Tiffany--thanks for the idea! I saw ya'll did a pintrest party and thought it was GENIUS! We had so much fun, everyone did their own project. The book page wreath was fun and pretty simple just really time consuming!
