Monday, January 16, 2012

Unsuccessful Project #1

I am naming this unsuccessful project #1 because as we all know there are things that pop up...this failure is my own. I was thinking about how exciting my first post was going to be that I didn't even remember I hadn't finished painting the office LAST night! #EpicFail. of....7:47pm the office is COMPLETELY painted an amazing color green called dark eukalyptus leaf that I am absolutely utterly in love with..shamelessly of course. (I have even posted a sneak peak picture of the swatch. I can't post the entire room because that would be cheating!)

Gidden: Dark Eukalyptus Leaf in Eggshell
This is my current delhimma...start on the book shelves tonight so that tomorrow I have exciting and fun pictures to post because I hopefully will be finished by this time tomorrow (after Zumba of course) OR go sit on my bum and watch my tivo'd NCIS recordings...I am thinking that the latter of the two is winning....sorry guys :\ stay tuned I WILL have the shelves done by Wednesday when J gets home from his little boys trip!
{DIY Davis Style}
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  1. Mark Harmon/NCIS always trumps projects...haha!

  2. LOVE the color swatch! Can't wait to see pcitures!!! Love you!
