Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Slacking...but not really
Hi everyone!!! I swear I'm not slacking! I even took a 24 week picture last Wednesday {when I was 24 weeks exactly} but being an event planner means that sometimes you just don't have time to pee let alone blog.
Which brings me to complaint numero uno from 24 weeks. I work for a company that produces consumer shows {we have vendors and stages...the whole nine} I work on 2 shows a year {usually} and we work all year round to produce the best shows we can. Being at the show is my most favorite part of my job. Getting everyone moved into 140,000 square feet, solving problems...and sometimes getting your ass chewed out, you never really know what to expect. I love interacting with all the people and finally putting faces with people I have been talking to over the phone essentially for the entire year. Once everyone is moved in and everything is running smoothly I get to go around and talk to everyone...the downside? When your pregnant and on your feet for 13+ hours a day...apparently you swell. EVERYWHERE.
Part of the swelling is partially my fault. I love being pregnant but absolutely despise people telling me I can't do things because I am pregnant, so what did I do? I sprained my ankle on day 3 of moving exhibitors in....apparently I am not as agile when I am pregnant.
But that only accounted for one of the ankles to swell...the other things that swelled? Well apparently those were just a bonus :)

Total weight gain: +9 lbs total
Maternity clothes? Yep
Stretch marks? Same--using way more coco butter and assorted body butters.
Sleep: Being at the show it was lots of long days and early mornings so I slept hard every night. Only waking up once to pee :)
Best moment this week: J and I have really enjoyed watching my belly twitch and move-J being able to feel it and see it is the most awesome thing we have experienced thus far in the pregnancy for sure! He is getting to experience a stronger connection that I have been feeling for a while!
Miss Anything? My agility? And my ankles NOT looking like my Great Aunt Frances'
Movement: Yes! Feeling it and watching it...the best
Food cravings: No real cravings
Anything making you queasy or sick: If I don't eat
Gender: Baby Boy!
Labor Signs: None.
Symptoms: Woke up to a gem of a symptom this morning and it may be an over share BUT I slept without a shirt on last night...something about being in your own bed...with your own sheets...that you know are without a doubt clean. I woke up this morning and couldn't understand why my boob was wet? Oh...it's just cuz it was leaking....WTF???
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On most of the time...but I am starting to just wear my bands instead of the full set...
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy...
Looking forward to: The amazing fall weather and Dayton Days! The craft fair I am doing with my wreaths on October 6th!
Next Appointment: October 4th, then we will schedule one for 2 weeks after to have another u/s and do the diabetes test...which I hear is disgusting...
Thursday, September 13, 2012
23 Weeks & a Light Bulb
Hello blogger friends! The lightbulb has finally come on...I think. I have the perfect plan for the nursery {besides what I already had planned of course}. I will be re-arranging the furniture in our other rooms to free up some super cute accessories....I'll have to do a post soon to give you an update on what has been done!
Another light bulb, I decided after following a ton of new blogs and finding that everyone has much cuter blogs than I do...I reached out to an old friend who I cheered with when we both went to Florida Southern College. You might remember her fabulousness from this gem of a post...or you can visit her at her place, The Artsee Fartsee. Not only is she crafty and a newlywed BUT y'all...her graphic skills...AMAZING! If you're friends with me on facebook, or not, she created this cover photo back when we first announced we were expecting!
Well this time she has out done herself....see my new Uhhhmazing blog style? Do you? Huh huh huh? Well...she did it! All of it...from scratch. She's da bomb. If you want your blog to look this cool or if you need another graphic design goodie you can contact her over here!
Annnnnddd now 23 weeks..
How far along? 23 weeks
Size: Hudson is over 11 inches and weighs over 1 lb.
Total weight gain: +8 lbs total
Maternity clothes? Yep
Stretch marks? Same--using way more coco butter and assorted body butters.
Sleep: Trying to sleep as much as possible. Taking naps when I get home from work, then attempting to go to bed while bebe Hud practices acrobatics
Best moment this week: Hm...I'll have to keep you posted but Saturday was my shower which was AMAZING
Miss Anything? Having energy. It's fall so the hubbs has his yearly crud as I like to call it so is he doesn't lay completely still, I can't sleep.

Food cravings: Still wanting fruit and veggies more than other things...but no real cravings.Aversions definitely to sweets.
Anything making you queasy or sick: If I don't eat
Gender: Baby Boy!
Labor Signs: None.
Symptoms: Some round ligament pain and my stomach has started itching if I don't douse it in lotion. And the girls are getting bigger....
Belly Button in or out? In although both of my piercing holes are now on the outside of my belly button which is super strange...J thinks my belly button will pop in the next few weeks...
Wedding rings on or off? On but I am taking them off to sleep because I get hot at night and my fingers swell like sausages
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy...but definitely get grumpy if I don't eat...being over tired is making me grumpy some...
Looking forward to: My show being over!! I can't wait to get a stress free night's sleep.
Next Appointment: October 4th, then we will schedule one for 2 weeks after to have another u/s and do the diabetes test...which I hear is disgusting...
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Everything's a changin...
Since I started DIY Davis Style I haven't made ANY changes to my look.....those changes have already started happening as of yesterday. SO bear with me as I figure out exactly the look I want and how to change it :)
Blogging is easy. Making your blog reflect you....not so easy!
This is me...except much paler, with much less hair...and not wearing any pants... |
23 Week update coming soon!
Monday, September 10, 2012
It's driving me insane...already
Okay so if you saw my last post you know that I was really looking forward to my baby shower this past Saturday. "But you're only 22 weeks" you say...I realize it was super early for a shower...BUT when your family is spread out over multiple states and all have different schedules you just have to make it work! My awesome sister B {that is actually what we call her} is kicking butt and taking names while interning at Riley Children's Hospital in Indiana {she is back in school becoming a music therapist} so needless to say her weekends were slim pickins and the pickins got even slimmer when you consider that I'm in event planning and can't do certain weekends. So with only a few things...you can see why we did it super early.
It was SO much fun and her and my mom did such an amazing job creating yet another beautiful shower for me! {They did my bridal shower last July}. It is so hard to pick a favorite thing about the shower...but one of my favorite things had to be that my mom made like 6 different diaper cakes.
Each cake sat on a different table as a centerpiece and was themed a different way! A bath time cake, a nursing cake, a bed time cake, a safety cake...they were SO cool! Each cake had different items for whatever it was. My favorite part? Each cake had a bottle of champagne inside so we can crack open a bottle of bubbly for each year OR each month...for the first few months at least-toasting that...yay we haven't died from exhaustion or killed each other yet!!! All in all it was a beautiful shower. It was about 1/2 the size of my bridal shower which was so great because I actually got to talk to everyone...and by talk to, I mean got to say more than Hi thanks for coming.
The whole it's driving me insane already? We got SO much stuff at the shower...
J and I decided when registering that we would not register for any clothes, only items we absolutely needed because knowing our friends and family...the clothes would come. And man it's a good thing we didn't! I think every single person got us at least one outfit...in addition to the registry items.
That isn't so much driving me insane because everyone was so generous and so excited for J and I...the insanity comes with the fact that I have done NOTHING to the nursery closet yet....all that is inside of it is the shelf/rack that came standard with our home when we built it. It is impractical and ugly and I have been dreaming on pintrest about all of these really cool storage solutions. All the gifts and clothes have only been sitting in the room for a few weeks and it is already driving me nuts that nothing has a place yet...
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Source: iheartorganizing.blogspot.com |
I dream of a cloest that looks like this. Everything has a place and all the hangers match and the baskets hide anything that doesn't match everything else....this is my goal
I know, I know...I have PLENTY of time. But what if I don't? What if something happens and I get so insanely busy with the rest of life that I can't do it the way that I want?....The way I think is right.
I guess I am over reacting but if you have been around on DIY Davis Style for long you know that I am a little AR and definitely OCD about organization, Hudson is just our first and I am putting a lot of pressure on myself to do it right.
But in reality.... I haven't done it because it overwhelms the shit out of me and makes me want to throw up just looking at all the stuff accumulating in our nice clean home....AHK
Yep...back to denial....it's a lonely river but I'll make my way up it eventually....
Now, since those clothes and things don't exist....we will just go about our normally scheduled day...
Hope you're having a good one!!
Friday, September 7, 2012
22 Weeks & a gold nugget...
This week so far has been completely insane because as many of you know {unless you're living under a rock} J and I live in Charlotte....the DNC is happening in Charlotte. Most business located in and around Uptown {what we call our "downtown"} have closed or have their employees working from home. With a show just 2 weeks away, that is not an option for us. SO mornings have been a lot earlier and nights have been packed with doing as much as I can so I can sleep as long as I can.
I do need to give serious props to our Police Departments {who have been coming in to use our restrooms all week} they are doing an awesome job and I really think that they were over prepared in all their efforts...better to be over prepared right? The popo have all been staging in our cul-de-sac which is creating an exciting distraction, especially when they strap on their riot gear and speed off down the street....it's all very exciting for our not so small town :)
Now....here's 22 weeks! (5 months, 2nd trimester!)
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My boobs are getting WAY bigger....I didn't think that was possible.... |
Size: Hudson is about 11 inches and a little over 1lb (the U/S tech told us so!), the length of a spaghetti squash.
Total weight gain: +8 lbs total
Maternity clothes? Still loving them...excited it is officially fall because I have some cute tunic sweaters! {if it would ever cool off!}
Stretch marks? Same--using way more coco butter and assorted body butters.
Sleep: Trying to sleep as much as possible. Taking naps when I get home from work, then attempting to go to bed while bebe Hud practices acrobatics in my lower belly
Best moment this week: Finding out there is no more Previa! And I will have to say that we got our first official baby present, our AWESOME family friend L got us our stroller. It came in yesterday and was waiting on our porch when I got home from work. With the Previa I'm not allowed to lift anything over 15/20 lbs it sat on our porch taunting me until he got home an HOUR AND A HALF later...it was torture. Then he got home and I didn't even let him change before he got in...we set it up and it is currently a fixture in our living room. We took turns pushing it around the house and admiring all the really cool things about it! Needless to day I'm obsessed
Miss Anything? Exercise...I'm stuck walking or swimming and now that our pool has closed for the season that is no longer an option...and it's just too muggy out to walk when I get home from work...
Movement: Yes! Every morning around 7:30 on my drive into work, around mid morning (10:30 or so) then again around lunch time (around 1ish) then he's SUPER active around 9pm when I'm exhausted and just want to sleep. And during the U/S yesterday she had to wake him up and as soon as he started kicking me J and I could see it on the screen which was really neat!Food cravings: Still wanting fruit and veggies more than other things...but no real cravings.Aversions definitely to sweets.
Anything making you queasy or sick: If I don't eat
Gender: Baby Boy!
Labor Signs: None.
Symptoms: Some round ligament pain and my stomach has started itching if I don't douse it in lotion. And the girls are getting bigger....
Belly Button in or out? In although both of my piercing holes are now on the outside of my belly button which is super strange...J thinks my belly button will pop in the next few weeks...
Wedding rings on or off? On but I am taking them off to sleep because I get hot at night and my fingers swell like sausages
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy...but definitely get grumpy if I don't eat. J mentioned the other night he thought when I got preggo I would turn into this huge beyotch who bossed him around and made outlandish demands. I'm not sure why he thought that but you will be glad to know he has retracted those feelings and has since said what a nice pregnant lady I am :)
Looking forward to: My mom and sister are throwing a shower for me on Saturday! My sister's weekends are limited because she is interning at Riley Children's Hospital in Indianapolis {and kicking butt!} plus with the previa they didn't want to take a chance that I might have to deliver early or be stuck on bed rest like my mom was when she was pregnant with me.
Next Appointment: October 4th, then we will schedule one for 2 weeks after to have another u/s and do the diabetes test...which I hear is disgusting...
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