Monday, July 30, 2012
16 Weeks
So without further of my most favorite bloggers to read is a week ahead of me in pregnancy and she just did this post and I thought it was such a great idea...I too will be trying to do a better job of chronicling my journey! Stay tuned and be patient with me!
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Starting to look preggers and not just fat! |
Size: BD is the size of an avocado
Total weight gain: +6 lbs
Maternity clothes? I will never go back to regular can't make me!
Stretch marks? I THINK I found two on my left hip the other day....but they could be old....
Sleep: As much and where ever possible!
Best moment this week: Starting to feel Baby Davis's been sporadic but so exciting!
Miss Anything? At the very beginning of my pregnancy my boobs.looked.awesome! Now they're back to their old non exciting selves haha
Movement: YES! Only a little here and there but BD is making his or her presence known!
Food cravings: Fruit, veggies (definitely salads)
Anything making you queasy or sick: If I don't eat....
Gender: We get to find out August 9th!
Labor Signs: None.
Symptoms: We won't go into the icky stuff :)
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On but if I don't drink enough water they come off
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy. I think....haha I'll have to check with J and get back to you ;)
Looking forward to: Feeling MORE movement and J being able to feel baby too Next Appointment: August 9nd, find out the gender!!!
Another great thing that happened this week (since I'm in a good mood today). J has been completely awesome...not that I ever doubted for a second he wouldn't be. He rubs my back when I can't get comfortable at night, he takes me to Babies 'R Us and Buy Buy Baby to dream with me and start picking out things we like, he is reading every possible Daddy book in sight and that just does a little something to my heart...
But my absolute most favorite thing that has happened since we found out we were expecting happened just the other morning. I was sitting on the couch while J was getting ready for work. Before he leaves he always kisses me good bye and we do the whole mushy, i love you, have a great day blah blaah blah bit...well today was a little different. I wasn't feeling the best...jsut dragging. He kissed me all over my face then this is when it got good...he leaned down and kissed my baby bump and said good bye to our baby....I almost died it was so cute...
I swear that's the end :) until Wednesday when we are officially 17 weeks!
{DIY Davis Style}
Monday, July 9, 2012
Old Wives Tales...
Old Wives Tales: {Some use this as a party reveal game!}
The list of Old Wives Tales as follows:
1. Can people tell you are pregnant from the back? Or are you pregnant all over?
Just from back: Boy
All over: Girl
2. Which breast is bigger during pregnancy?
Left: Boy
Right: Girl
3. Eating more or sick/nauseated?
Eating more: Boy
Sick: Girl
4. Do you crave the heals of bread or the middle?
Heals: Boy
Middle: Girl
5. Hands Chapped/Dry or Softer?
Chapped: Boy
Softer: Girl
6. During the pregnancy, have you been clumsy or graceful?
Clumsy: Boy
Graceful: Girl
7. During the pregnancy, have you been crabby or happy?
Crabby: girl
Happy: boy
8. Carrying low or high?
Low: Boy
High: Girl
9. Who was more aggressive at the time of conception?
Husband: Girl
Wife: Boy
10. Is the heartbeat high or low:
High: Girl
Low: Boy
11. Which side do you lay on when resting:
Left: Boy
Right: Girl
12. Pick up a single key.
Picks it up by the long narrow part: Girl
Picks it up by the round part: Boy
Picks it up in the middle: Twins
14. Consider the Mother’s age at conception and the year or conception.
Both even or Both odd: Girl
One is even and one is odd: Boy
13. Show me your hands.
Shows them palms up: Girl
Shows them palms down: Boy
15.Do you crave sweet foods or sour/salty foods?
Salty/Sour: Boy
Sweet: Girl
16. Did the older sibling say Mom or Dad first?
Mama: Girl
Dada: Boy
17. Has the husband put on weight during the pregnancy?
Yes: Girl
No: Boy
By 1 point difference only....these old wives tales say I'm havin' a boy....what do you think?
Until next time...
{DIY Davis Style}
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